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The Best Times to Post on Social Media

Social media is a great outlet to post what's on your mind or connect with others, but in order to attract customers and gain brand awareness businesses need to take a more strategic approach.

Posting at the correct time on socials can really make or break your engagement rates, and ultimately impact the success of your social media marketing strategy.

So, the big debate: when really is the best time to post on social media? Let’s take a look.


Facebook is currently the top social media site in the world with 2.9 billion monthly active users, meaning you can’t really go wrong, especially with the high amount of posts shared in a person’s feed at one time.

On average the best time to post on Facebook is mid-morning particularly 9 am as people are just starting with their work and tend to go online.

Early afternoon (between 1 pm-3 pm) also scores high as well, with many going on their lunch breaks.

Weekdays in particular Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday are most optimal with people making less of an effort to check Facebook during the weekends, or when they are home in the evenings.


Instagram (IG) is the one-stop shop in the social world so genuinely when people wake up, they spend a couple of minutes scrolling through IG, meaning around 7-8 am can be a great time to post.

Similar to Facebook the 11 am-1 pm mark can be popular for people breaking from work.

Many also tend to scroll right after work or before bed.

In terms of the breakdown of days is pretty even, Monday however stands out as the least optimal day.


Twitter is a great way for users to efficiently discover stories regarding the world's biggest news, events, and updates. For this reason, 8 or 9 am on weekdays is the best time to behold maximum engagement.

Since people start preparing for the weekend from mid-Friday onwards, posting on Twitter on Fridays after 3 pm and on weekends tends to yield lower engagement compared to other days of the week.


With LinkedIn being the world’s largest professional network, it makes sense that the best time to post on LinkedIn would line up with working hours.

In particular, mid-week (Tuesday-Thursday) are the best days to post since people have gotten into the groove of working.

So, avoid the weekend to put out content at all costs as its likely that people won’t care too much about your content during their off-work times.


TikTok is a great way for people to switch off and easily discover content. For this reason, end-of-the-week (Wednesday-Friday) nights between 7-11 pm are most popular for people to scroll before bed.

With TikTok being the most popular site for short video content, the before-work hours (6 am-10 am) are also a great time to post as more often than not, people find themselves having a quick scroll when waking up.

Ultimately it depends on the business...

Although this is a general guide to the best times to post, the industry you operate in will influence the audience base you target, your positioning frequency, and the type of social media posts.

Therefore, it is essential to analyse the success of your individual business's content.

It may be beneficial to experiment with posting times to find the best schedule for your specific audience and content, ensuring you are being consistent with your time strategy.

It is also important to note you may need to adjust your businesses posting schedule based on changed in your audience’s behaviour, such as during holidays or other events. 

Using Sprinklr a unified-CXM platform we analysed KINSHIP digital’s social media platforms to evaluate the most engaging times to post each day.

Smart scheduling optimises your social media engagement by strategically scheduling posts and comments at the most optimal days and times for your target audience on each specific channel.

This also assists to schedule outbound posts and post comments accordingly. Thus, allowing a more comprehensive content strategy.

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